Customer Testimonial

Saint-Augustin Canada Electric Inc. (STACE)

BOP Electrical Manufacturer Reduces errors and increases efficiency in Item and BOM Creation

I highly recommend CADLink to anyone looking to streamline their ERP processes. With its automation capabilities, it has reduced errors and increased efficiency in our item and BOM creation.
Additionally, Custom Logic module is making it easy for us to modify and adapt our processes as needed to meet our business requirements and make continuous improvement. Overall, it’s been a valuable addition to our workflow.

Jean-François Provost-Blais, CPI , Project Manager

Saint-Augustin Canada Electric inc. is a private limited company formerly General Electric Company. The plant, located in St-Augustin, near Quebec City, manufactures isolated phase bus ducts and auxiliary equipment since 1980.




Saint-Augustin, QC Canada


BOP Electrical Equipment

QBuild Solution


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