Customer Testimonial

NuWave Research Inc

Industrial Microwave Manufacturer Streamlines Manufacturing Processes with CADLink

CADLink is an amazing software with a user-friendly interface. It seamlessly transfers our multilayered BOMs from EPDM to NAV Business Central. It manages revision changes very well. Additionally, It streamlined our planning, purchasing and manufacturing processes. The team at QBuild provided custom solutions to many requests at the implementation phase with numerous live sessions. We’ve had CADLINK for over 6 months now, with no problems and excellent customer support. Keep up the good work!

 Swati Persaud, Supply Chain Specialist

NuWave Research is an industrial microwave solutions provider who focuses on vacuum microwave dehydration as well as microwave assisted processing. NuWave Research offers customizable and scalable solutions to provide the fastest dehydration methods currently on the market to their customers.

Customer - NuWave Research Inc Logo


NuWave Research Inc.


Burnaby, BC Canada


Industrial Microwave Technology

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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