Customer Testimonial

HeatTek, Inc.

Industrial Manufacturer Enhances Engineering Processes and Eliminated Data Errors By Using CADLink

I loved working with QBuild on our business system rollout. They were very responsive about answering my many questions and were always willing to help. CADLink has been great for both entering products into our database and flagging errors in bills of materials. They were able to customize our build to our company’s needs and the various modules give lots of control. I’ve already recommended them to other companies I know who are going through the same business system experience.

Mike Galligan, Senior Design Engineer

HeatTek is an industry leader in Industrial Oven and Furnace Manufacturing with over twenty years of experience, responsive service, and expertise. They offer a variety of industrial ovens, furnaces, and washers that include customized heating solutions with the most advanced technology for several industries. Their approach to creating high-quality heat treatment equipment starts with having a deep understanding of the client’s industries, being willing to learn and adapt, and working to ensure the client’s specific needs are met.


HeatTek, Inc.


Ixonia, WI




Industrial Manufacturing

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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