Customer Testimonial

Cendek Railings

Railing Manufacturer Relies on CADLink to Keep Up with Deadlines During New ERP Implementation

CADLink has been fundamental in our company’s quest to implement a brand-new ERP system. Without CADLink our engineering team would be completely inundated with error prone data entry causing unacceptable project deadlines. The team at QBuild have been very supportive during training, integration, and any trouble shooting to refine the software to our needs. Thankfully with CADLink our engineering team can quickly get through the initial metadata bulk uploading and get back to our day-to-day responsibilities.

 Chad Chislett, Senior Structural Designer

Manufacturer of quality powder-coated aluminum railings for the retail lumber yard , do-it-yourself homeowners, professional contractors and large-scale commercial developers.

Customer - Cendek Railings


CenDek Railings Ltd.


Summerland, BC Canada


Aluminum Railing Manufacturing

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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