Customer Testimonial

AZTech Controls

Contract Manufacturer Takes Back Time for Engineering with CADLink

CADLink is an amazingly intuitive and easy to use interface seamlessly connects
your CAD and ERP systems. 
The ability to upload large assembly model metadata including new part numbers and Part Master data within seconds is incredible. With added customization, possibilities to manipulate ERP field data automatically through created Field Mappings allows any number of values tied to part data to be instantly uploaded. Anyone with knowledge of these process will come to truly appreciate the power and ease of an application that stands above the rest.

Jason Zelek, Manager of Manufacturing Engineering

Customer - Aztech Controls Logo

AZTech Controls is an engineering and manufacturing company, a leader in Prefabrication, Preassembly, Modularization and Off-Site Fabrication (PPOMF) for semiconductor, chemical, water and industrial applications.


AZTech Controls


Chandler, AZ USA


Semiconductor Manufacturing

QBuild Solution


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