Customer Testimonial

Litania Sports Group

Sports Equipment Manufacturer relies on QBuild to connect ERP and Engineering

Litania Sport Group is a company with a lot of extremely specific and unusual needs. It is always difficult for us to make software solutions work for us “out of the box”. QBuild/CADLink have been a vital partner for us both in making our ERP and Engineering systems work together and in customizing and programming specific solutions to support our unique configuration and manufacturing processes. We rely on them for support of critical business systems and know that we can rely on them for reliable software and timely support.

Blake Egli, IT Manager

Litania Sports Group is an American design, sales, and manufacturer of sports equipment used in worldwide championship sporting events for legendary brands Gill Athletics and Porter Athletic.

Customer - Litania Sports Group Logo


Litania Sports Group


Champaign, IL USA


Sports Equipment Manufacturing

QBuild Solution


Customer Since


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